Vyber si prácu


Miesto práce

Work at the workplace with the possibility of working from home

Druh pracovného pomeru


Termín nástupu





Popis pracovnej pozície

• Effectively manage and control HR processes across multiple organizational units within the corporation to optimize personnel costs and improve work efficiency.
• Support the strategic decisions of the company’s management through accurate and timely HR analyses and reports.
• Develop and implement strategies for the optimal use of human resources to meet future business requirements.
• Introduce and implement new HR technologies to support and improve HR processes.
• Analyze capacity requirements and plan personnel needs to ensure a balanced distribution of the workload.
• Lead and coordinate cross-departmental HR projects to improve HR processes and systems.
• Standardize HR processes and promote best practices within the organization, including nearshoring locations.
• Continuously optimize HR systems to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR department.

Čo ti ponúkame

Od 1 900 EUR/mesiac

The basic salary is from EUR 1.900,- gross per month depending on the language skills and seniority of the candidate, paid guaranteed 14 times a year + variable components such as a presence bonus of EUR 120,- and an allowance per child of EUR 46.40

• Thanks to flexible working hours, at UNIQA GSC, you can arrange your day to suit your needs.

• For new colleagues, we have prepared a comprehensive welcome package.

• Every employee receives a daily meal allowance of € 8,30.

• We offer language courses in German and English , along with a diverse range of vocational training opportunities.

• A 13th and 14th salary is guaranteed for all UNIQA GSC employees.

• We contribute to the third pillar of the supplementary pension savings and also provide accident insurance coverage for our employees.

• We regularly organize events for employees such as Christmas parties, summer celebrations, sports days and more.

• If you are a sports enthusiast, you will certainly appreciate the Multisport card we offer.

Si ten správny kandidát?

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

  • University education (Bachelor's degree)
  • University education (Master's degree)
  • Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Jazykové znalosti

English - Advanced (C1) a German - Intermediate (B1)

Microsoft Office 365 - Advanced
SAP Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) - Advanced
SAP FI/CO - Advanced
Microsoft Power Bi - Advanced

Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

• Several years of experience in controlling and project management, ideally in the HR field.
• Strong analytical skills and numerical understanding.
• Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
• In-depth knowledge of HR issues and processes.


UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o. je dcérskou spoločnosťou rakúskeho poisťovacieho koncernu UNIQA IG. Naša história siaha do roku 1996. V súčasnosti u nás pracuje 900 zamestnancov. Poskytujeme služby v oblasti správy poistných zmlúv a udalostí, ako aj IT služby pre rakúsky koncern UNIQA. Poskytujeme pracovné príležitosti najmä v administratíve s využitím nemeckého jazyka ako aj v IT sfére, kde nachádzajú uplatnenie rôzni IT špecialisti. Kladieme dôraz na vytvorenie moderného pracovného prostredia prepojeného s tímovým duchom, garanciou kvality a pocitom istoty.
UNIQA Group Service Center získala ocenenie NAJ ZAMESTNÁVATEĽ 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 v kategórii centier zdieľaných služieb.

Počet zamestnancov

500-999 employees


Kontaktná osoba: Ing. Zuzana Bartová

Tel.: +421910123511

E-mail: HR-UGSC@uniqa.at

Reagovať na pracovnú ponuku

HR Specialist for Controlling and Projects