Choose a job in UNIQA GSC


Our work inspires for the better.
And you appreciated it!
The Best Employer

We secured 3rd place in The Best Employer survey. Thank you!

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We are looking for colleagues!Grow with us,
in your own way

The lives of each member of our team shine a different colour. However, we come together as an excellent whole, which overcomes new challenges and is constantly advancing.

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Can't decide what to do after
leaving secondary school?
Choose to study and work at the same time!

Sign up for the UNIQA GSC Dual Learning Program and obtain your paid experience training at one of the TOP companies in Slovakia.

More information
 Can't decide what to do after leaving secondary school?Choose to study and work at the same time!

About us Where we enjoy working

More information

UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the "UNIQA GSC") is a subsidiary of the Austrian insurance concern UNIQA Insurance Group. The company consists of the Back Office Service (BOS), Cross-Border Service (CBS), Nearshoring (NES) and Software Service (SWS) divisions.

This is what your
future colleagues are saying

The first and most important advantage for me is the amazing team. Another one is the benefits. Whether financial or in the form of various gifts for IWD, St. Nicolas Day, Christmas, Children's Day, gift vouchers, competitions, corporate events, cultural events and various trips. In addition, thanks to this work, I am improving in German language and learning to use many new systems and programs.

Zuzana Šútorová Service Schaden SV KASKO 1 Officer

Nowadays, a job can be found anywhere, but caring for employees is far from a commonplace. I'm happy here.

Martina Vavríková Test Manager

I appreciate being a part of a stable international company for 5 years already. My work satisfies me enormously, bringing new work experience every day that moves me further. I am grateful for the opportunity to develop my communication in German language and fully enjoy the benefits offered by the company.

Renáta Stanová Service Schaden SV FED & AH 1 Officer

UNIQA GSC promotes both personal and professional growth. I appreciate the high-quality attitude of trainers, work organization and benefits related to sport, family and various social benefits. Finally, I would like to add that the combination of a great team, flexible working hours and the use of a foreign language on a daily basis is an attractive environment for us, young people. :-)

Lucia Benzová Scrum Master

900 employees

28 years on the market

4 locations in Nitra

1 location in Prešov

The Most Attractive Employer 2023 survey Top 5 placement in "Shared Service Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2022 survey 2. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2021 survey 2. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2020 survey 1. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2019 survey Top 5 placement in "Shared Service Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2018 survey 1. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

The Most Attractive Employer 2017 survey Top 5 placement in "Shared Service Centres" category





1996 March

The establishment of InsData spol. s r.o., by separating from Otčina insurance company.

1996 September

The commencement of the activities of InsData at Farská ul. 30 in Nitra.
Number of employees: 11

2007 October

A new registered office of InsData at Palárikova ul. 3 in Nitra.
Number of employees: 84

2010 October

Expansion of premises at Mostná ul. 70 in Nitra.
Number of employees: 310

2016 May

InsData celebrates 20th anniversary. The number of employees reached 407.

2017 January

InsData introduces a new and stronger name - UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o. to the market.

2018 October

Another UNIQA GSC branch at Mostná 54 with 190 employees (CBS unit - Health Insurance Department).


1. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

2019 October

New branch in Prešov


UNIQA GSC is one of the most important employers in the Nitra region with a positive prospect of further growth.

2021 November

The number of employees exceeded 700.

25 years on the market


THE BEST EMPLOYER AWARD - 2. place in "Shared Services Centres" category

2023 June

The number of employees exceeded 800.

Career Our employees are paramount to us.

We try to make suitable working conditions...

The ambition of UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, spol. s r.o. (hereinafter also referred to as "UNIQA GSC") is to be a prestigious employer in the Nitra region, as well as a place of work where its employees "enjoy working". UNIQA GSC offers work in an international environment, in a team of young dynamic people, in premises furnished in a modern style.

Why work at

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours

A healthy mind in a healthy body

A healthy mind in a healthy body

Sports activities

Sports activities

Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers

Social activities

Social activities

Investment and insurance

Investment and insurance

Education and language courses

Education and language courses

Recovery and relax

Recovery and relax

News They wrote about us

A company without people is like a body without a heart


A company without people is like a body without a heart


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Budova ušitá ľuďom na mieru


Budova ušitá ľuďom na mieru


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UNIQA GSC has opened a new establishment in Nitra


UNIQA GSC has opened a new establishment in Nitra

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